• Fiber-optic products

    Diamond's PM measurement method recognized as IEC Standard

Diamond's cross polarizers' measurement method for polarization maintaining (PM) components recognized as an international IEC standard

The use of polarization maintaining (PM) optical fiber has grown continuously in the last two decades. With the increasing number of applications, the performance expectations for PM elements have increased, resulting in the need for better and more accurate characterization methods.

For more than 20 years, Diamond has characterized PM components with the well-established cross polarizers’ measurement method. This method was validated in 2002 by the Swiss National Metrology Body METAS in Bern. This is the official measurement method used in the Diamond SA, Losone ISO 17025:2017 accredited Test & Calibration Laboratory for the measurement of the polarization extinction ratio (PER) and the keying accuracy of PM passive, optical components.

In May 2020, the Diamond validated cross polarizers’ measurement method has been officially incorporated in the newly published international standard IEC 61300-3-55:2020, as measurement method A. Furthermore, the IEC standard defines the cross polarizers’ measurement method (method A) as the reference method, well suited for a higher degree of accuracy and therefore as the preferred method for the measurement of the PER as well as the keying accuracy.

The recognition of the well-established Diamond cross polarizers’ method in an international IEC standard can be therefore considered as a further milestone in continuous improvement, which has always characterized Diamond in the development and manufacturing of high quality optical fiber components.

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